To ensure that member-to-member grievances, raised by PebbleCreek Pickleball Club members, are acknowledged and evaluated in a prompt and equitable manner.
It is recognized that people associated with the PebbleCreek Pickleball Club will periodically have grievances between each other that need to be resolved in the interest of maintaining good relationships and a positive Pebblecreek Pickleball community. The PebbleCreek Pickleball Board and Grievance Committee believe that:
Members have the right for their grievance against another Club member to receive careful consideration through a clear and simple process that is based on fairness and respect;
The best resolution is one that is reached cooperatively with input from the parties involved;
A person airing a grievance will not be disadvantaged in any way as a direct result;
When a formal grievance is received in writing by the Grievance Committee, it will be considered in a timely and confidential manner and documented with the intent of leading towards a positive resolution.
The Grievance Committee will guide PebbleCreek Pickleball members to a thoughtful resolution for their personal member-to-member grievances through the following situations and procedures.
The Grievance Committee will assist in the following situations:
Member-to-member concerns;
Member-to-officer concerns;
Officer-to-officer concerns;
Issues as assigned by the Board including:
A safe place if a first line committee is unresponsive or the member doesn’t feel respected;
Provide conflict resolution commonality across the different functions.
The PebbleCreek Pickleball Club has additional committees who will manage areas of concern within their realm of focus. The Grievance Committee will not:
Replace any committee already established for concerns;
For example, ratings concerns would go to the Ratings Committee. Round Robin concerns would go to Court Allocation or Round Robin Coordinator.
Address concerns about referee calls at tournaments;
Address concerns about ratings;
Address HOA related concerns, i.e. Dogs or Bikes;
Unless directed by the Board, address violations of the PebbleCreek Pickleball Club code of conduct:
Steps to Submitting a Grievance
Speak to the person whom the grievance is against (this may not be the person causing the problem) and inform them of their behaviour that the grievance refers to with the goal of resolving the issue.
If speaking to the person does not provide an agreed upon solution or the member does not feel safe in doing so, complete the Grievance Form on the PebbleCreek Pickleball Club website at www.pcpickleball.org/grievance-form.
Steps to Seeking a Resolution
Where issues cannot be resolved informally, a grievance resolution process will be adopted based on the principles of open discussion, all parties being heard, confidentiality, fairness, respect, and timeliness. The following steps will begin after a Club member submits their Grievance Form in writing to the Grievance Committee.
After a member-to-member complaint is received through website submission, a Grievance Committee member will contact you within 24 hours of your submission to confirm your grievance form was received.
The grievance details noted in the form will be discussed by the Grievance Committee to determine how to proceed.
A Grievance Committee member will schedule a call or meeting with the person who filed the grievance to understand the details of the grievance fully.
The accused party noted in the grievance will be informed of the details in the form submission.
The Grievance Committee member will schedule a call or meeting with the accused party to substantiate the incident occurred and to hear both sides of the grievance.
If the grievance continues to exist after individual conversations, a Grievance Committee member will may schedule a mediation meeting bringing both parties together to find a common resolution.
Once completed, the resolution recommendation may include a recommendation to the PebbleCreek Pickleball Board.
Both involved parties of the grievance will be informed of the recommendation in writing.
If the Grievance Policy process does not result in a suitable resolution, additional assistance from the PebbleCreek Pickleball Board will be requested.
If this step does not provide a solution, an outside arbitrator may be needed with arbitration costs being the responsibility of both parties involved in the grievance.